We are still operating a full service and collecting all three bins - domestic, recycling and garden waste. Full details of the current service can be found on the Coronavirus Waste and Recycling page.

We provide a regular service for the collection of one garden waste bin per household. Up to two additional garden waste bins can be requested - there is an annual charge of £50 per additional bin.

Call 01480 388640 to request an additional garden bin

Frequently asked questions:

The cost for the period 1 July–30 June is £50 per bin. You will not get a discount or refund if you request or cancel an additional garden bin halfway through the year.  You can also request up to two additional garden waste bins (annual charge of £50 per additional bin).

Schools are exempt from payment.

We will take your payment for the first year over the phone when you order your bin. We will then send you a Direct Debit form to complete so you are set up for renewal payments the following year.

We will deliver your bin within 10 working days of receiving your payment.

If you move to another house in Huntingdonshire you can take your bin with you. Please notify us of your new address so we can let our collection crews know.

If you move to an address outside of Huntingdonshire, you must leave the bins at the property. Please let us know that you are moving out and we will arrange to collect the bin(s).

Yes – you can make a personal arrangement with a neighbour to share the cost of the additional garden bin service. We will allocate the bin to the property that pays for it and will withdraw it if payment is not received.

Due to the current financial situation, we have reluctantly decided to introduce this charge. Garden waste collection services currently cost £0.9m per year to provide and a number of councils are charging for all garden waste collections. We have chosen to charge only for additional garden waste bins.

You can ask us to remove your additional garden waste bin. If you have already paid the annual charge for the bin you will not be given a refund.

Request Removal of Additional Garden Bin

Terms and Conditions for Second Garden Bin [PDF, size unavailable]


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Compost bin offer