Coronavirus: Business Grant Funding

Please visit the Business Grant Funding page for information on how to apply for a Small Business Grant fund or a Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant.

Please note we are currently receiving high volumes of phone calls and emails, which will be dealt with in the order they are received. This may mean you do not get a response for up to 14 days.

Below are commonly asked questions about business rates. If your query isn't answered here please email us.

If you're moving into a new unit complete this form.

If you're moving out of a unit complete this form.

If you're moving out of a property you can complete an online form and we will award any relief that is applicable.

If you own a property that is empty please email us.

If you only need one signatory to set up the instruction - please ring us on 01480 388030 with your bank details ready.

If you need more than one signatory to set up the instruction - please download the Direct Debit instruction form [PDF, 0.1MB]. You can scan the form and email it to us or post it to the address on the bottom of the instruction.

You can find alternative payment details on the Payments page.

Every non-domestic property has a rateable value, which is set by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), part of HMRC, unless it is exempt from rating - for example, churches, farm buildings and buildings used for training or the welfare of disabled people.

You can check the rateable value on the VOA's website and also find details on how to appeal your rating.