Since March 2020 we have made grant payments totalling over £54 million to support local businesses throughout the pandemic. The council has already successfully delivered £5.1 million of Additional Restrictions Grants (ARG) across two rounds. The council was awarded a third round of funding and has created new schemes (Digital Business Grant and Growth Grant) to provide financial support and expert advice to support local businesses.

Latest grants update

This page was last update on 27 January 2022.

Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant

Additional Restrictions Grant - January 2022

Digital Business Grant

Growth Grant Scheme

Further updates will be added to this page and shared on our social media channels.

Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant

The council is currently developing and designing the application for this scheme to launch as soon as possible. Your business cannot make an application yet. This scheme will open for application at 10am on Monday 31st January.

In December 2021, the government announced the introduction of new grant support for hospitality, leisure, and accommodation businesses in England. This support will take the form of a one-off grant funding scheme, with grants of £2,667, £4,000 or £6,000 to rate paying businesses.

Scroll for more
Business rateable value One-off grant amount
Up to £15,000 £2,667
Over £15,000 and less than £51,000 £4,000
Over £51,000 £6,000

Find out more about the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant.

Eligible Businesses

Eligibility for the scheme Omicron Hospitality & Leisure business grant scheme is set by Government guidance.

Hospitality businesses whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink. This excludes food kiosks and businesses whose main service is a ‘take-away’.

Leisure businesses that provide opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events and days and nights out. This excludes all retail businesses, coach tour operators, tour operators, gyms and sports businesses where physical exercise is conducted.

Accommodation businesses whose main lodging provision is used for holiday, travel or other purposes. This excludes private dwellings, education accommodation, residential homes, care homes, residential family centres and beach huts.

Other key criteria

Businesses must have been trading on 30 December 2021. Trading is defined as “carrying on a trade or profession, or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover”. This excludes businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made.

Your business must be registered as the business rate-payer in Huntingdonshire for the premises on 30 December 2021. Businesses that are not within the ratings system will not be eligible to receive funding under this scheme. The premises must have been registered as occupied (not empty).

Your business must comply with the coronavirus grant subsidy limits.

How to apply


Please see the policy document [PDF, size unavailable] and FAQs for further details before you apply.

Applications open at 10am on Monday 31st January.

Additional Restrictions Grant - January 2022

The council is currently developing and designing the application for this scheme to launch as soon as possible. Your business cannot make an application yet. This scheme will open for application at 10am on Monday 31st January.

In addition to the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant, we have also been allocated a top-up for the Additional Restrictions Grant - January 2022 (around £330,000).

Find the full government guidance on the Additional Restrictions Grant.

Eligibility Criteria

Businesses must be trading. Trading is defined as “carrying on a trade or profession, or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover”. This excludes businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made.

Your business must comply with the coronavirus grant subsidy limits.

We would welcome applications from businesses from the following sectors:

These may include, but are not limited to: hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care, the travel and tourism sector, including group travel, travel agents and tour operators, coach operators, wedding industries, nightclubs, theatres, events industries, wholesalers, English language schools, breweries, freelance and mobile businesses (including caterers, events, hair, beauty and wedding related businesses), gyms, and other businesses that may have not received other grant funding.

How to apply

Please see the policy document [PDF, size unavailable] and FAQs for further details before you apply.

Businesses will be asked to provide a brief written statement of how Omicron has adversely affected their business. Applicants should offer any statistical information they have to hand to support their case.

Applications open at 10am on Monday 31st January.

Current schemes

Digital Business Grant

The council has launched a new grant scheme available for the district’s businesses, providing £2,000 to aid with the digitisation of each successful business.

Find out more about the Digital Business Grant.

Growth Grant Scheme

This scheme launched on 29 November 2021 and was closed on the 10 December 2021 owing to the volume of applications which has exceeded the amount available.

Applications are being processed and the Grants team will be directly in contact with all applicants.