Event Safety Advisory Group

We consider the safety of the public at organised events to be a priority and as such we play an active role in the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG).

What is the ESAG?

The ESAG is an advisory body comprising key representatives from relevant organisations. Its purpose is to offer advice to event organisers to promote public safety at events within the district. ESAG examines the safety aspects of events so they can proceed in a safe way.

Your event and what you need to consider

If you are organising an event you will be legally responsible for the safety and wellbeing of people attending and working at the event. The key to a successful event is to start your planning process as early as possible.

Below is a list of relevant links to consider when event planning:


What happens next?

Once you have considered all the above links, you will now need to notify us of the event.
Below is a checklist of the main documents that are required:

  • HDC SAG notification form [PDF, 0.2MB]
  • Events Management Plan [EMP]
  • Any Risk Assessments
  • Site Plan
  • Copy of Insurance
  • Noise Management Plan
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • Any Policies
  • Medical Plan

Once we have received your documents, they will be circulated to ESAG members. We will contact the organisers with any queries and questions. If necessary, we will invite the organisers to attend an ESAG meeting to discuss their proposals with ESAG members.

​Contact the ESAG

Email: licensing@huntingdonshire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01480 387075