What is the Community Right to Challenge?

The Community Right to Challenge gives certain groups a right to express an interest in running local services currently provided by or on behalf of Huntingdonshire District Council.

When can I apply?

We have chosen to specify periods when Expressions of Interest (EOIs) can be submitted in relation to particular services. EOIs will only be accepted if submitted during the allocated month.

View timetable for EOIs [PDF, size unavailable]

Who can apply?

  • voluntary and community bodies

  • charities

  • town and parish councils

  • two or more employees of the authority.

How can I apply?

An Expression of Interest needs to be completed and returned during the appropriate month, as per the timetable [PDF, size unavailable].

Download EOI Form [DOCX, size unavailable]

The form details the information you have to provide but please view the statutory guidance for more information.

What happens next?

If the EOI is submitted within the specified month for the service, we will undertake an initial check. The Localism Act 2011 requires us to assess all valid EOIs against set criteria and either accept or reject them.

We will contact you within 30 days of the end of the specified month to let you know if the EOI is valid or not.

For valid EOIs our notification will also let you know the timescale of when we expect to make our decision to accept or reject it, which must be within three months of the end of the specified month for the service.

We will then notify you of the decision we make within this timescale. If our decision is to reject the EOI we will explain our reasons for this.

If the EOI is accepted we will inform you of when we intend to begin a new procurement exercise for the relevant service. Invitations to tender will be issued within six months of acceptance.

The procurement exercise will be open to anyone who wants to tender to run the service, including commercial organisations. Therefore, the body that triggers the exercise may not automatically be selected to provide the service.

Past and Current EOIs

No valid EOIs have been received to date.