The Waste, Recycling and Garden Collection service is running as a full service. There are currently no changes to the normal collection schedule. However, as we are currently working with stretched resources we do need to advise that normal collection point arrangements are to stay the same.  

We are working hard to minimise the impact on your recycling and waste collections and we appreciate your understanding during this time, should conditions change.

Please help the safety of our crew and stop the spread of coronavirus by following these simple steps:

  • wash the handles of your bin when you put it out for collection and ensure you wash your hands when you have retrieved your bin

  • put your bin out with the handle facing the road

  • only put your bin out when it's full

  • please do not come and greet the crew - a wave or a smile from your window is enough. Wait for the lorry to leave your road before you retrieve your bin.

If you or anyone in your home is self-isolating or is confirmed to have coronavirus:

  • personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags.

These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.

Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.

How we are supporting the collection crews

  • All crews are provided with full personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Additional nitrile gloves are available to wear under their standard gloves

  • Anti-bacterial wipes are available in cabs

  • The interior of vehicles is wiped down at the start and end of shift

  • A weekly thorough clean of vehicle interiors is taking place

  • Crews are sticking together like a family and work in controlled groups

  • Wherever possible we ask crews to stay outside of the vehicle - however, due to the widespread geographic nature of our district this isn’t always possible

  • Mental Health First Aiders are available to talk through any concerns

  • Staff from other services have been redeployed to support the waste services

  • Managers are welcoming ideas from the crews to make their days smoother

  • Access to free tea and coffee facilities at the beginning and end of their shift

Household recycling centres

The household recycling centres reopened on Monday 11 May. For information about opening times and restrictions please visit Cambridgeshire County Council's website and email any enquiries to