Further details for senior staff earning over £50k can be found in the SLT organisation structure spreadsheet [XLSX, 13Kb]
Jo Lancaster - Managing Director
- Direct accountability for presenting and delivering the corporate plan
- Electoral register and elections
- Lead Corporate Leadership
- Efficient and effective delivery of council statutory responsibilities

Nigel McCurdy - Corporate Director (Place)
- Leisure and Health
- Growth and Housing
- Programme Delivery

Oliver Morley - Corporate Director (People)
- Operations
- 3C ICT
- Shared Services
- HDC Ventures

John Taylor - Chief Operating Officer
- Customer Service
- Community
- Development Control
- Revenues and Benefits
- Housing Needs
- Intelligent Client for ICT Shared Services

Justin Andrews - Assistant Director (Corporate Services)
- Accountancy
- Audit and Risk
- Procurement
- Intelligent Client for Legal Shared Services
- Property and Estate Management
- Human Resources and Organisational Development
- Democratic Services, Elections and Land Charges

Tony Evans - Assistant Director (Transformation)
- Continuous service improvement
- Insight and data
- Transformation and change

Neil Sloper - Head of Operations
- FM and Business
- Continuity
- Streetscene
- Operations
- Facilities and Energy Management
- Green Spaces
- Parking

Sam Smith - Head of Digital and ICT Services
- 3C ICT Shared Service

Jayne Wisely - Head of Leisure and Health
- Leisure Centres
- Sports and Active Lifestyles
- Health and Well-Being