What can you do about fraud in Huntingdonshire?

We need your help to tackle and stop fraud. When someone commits fraud against the council, they are stopping money and services getting to the people who really need them.

If you know that someone is abusing the system by making false claims or giving incorrect details, please tell us. Any information you give us will be treated in confidence and you do not have to tell us who you are. The more information you can give us, the better.

Types of fraud and how to report

Housing tenancy fraud

This can be where someone has lied to obtain housing, sub-lets their housing association home or lives in a property they shouldn’t. 

Report Housing Tenancy Fraud

Council Tax fraud

This can be where someone claims a discount for living on their own but other people live in the property with them.

Report Council Tax Fraud

Benefit fraud - Council Tax support

Council Tax Support is a means tested benefit and is there to help people to pay their Council Tax. The amount of benefit someone may be entitled to is based on their income and household composition, so it is important that the correct circumstances are declared and, if anything changes, the council is notified.

Report Council Tax Support Benefit Fraud

Other ways to report fraud

You can call the Fraud Hotline on 01480 388188 (24 hour line) to report any of the fraud types above.

Benefits from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

If someone is in receipt of benefit such as income support, housing benefit, disability benefits please report this matter directly to the DWP:

Report Benefit Fraud

Report via phone:  0800 854 440

Reducing fraudulent access to services

Huntingdonshire District Council uses electronic scanners to check and verify identity documents from all customers applying to access council services. We scan documents with a product called Trust ID. Further information about Trust ID.