Insurance claims against the council

You can make a claim against the council if you believe the council is at fault for:

  • your property or possessions being damaged
  • you having suffered an injury

Do not make a claim to the council if you believe your claim was caused by the poor state of repair of a road or footpath. Your claim needs to be made to Cambridgeshire County Council via the claim form on their website.

Making a claim

To submit a claim against the council you need to complete the Incident Report Form [PDF, size unavailable].

Council employees are not allowed to either admit or deny negligence. Negligence is decided by the council's insurers.

What happens after you make a claim?

  1. The Insurance officer will undertake an initial review of your claim. This is to check that the claim refers to an area that the council is responsible for. If that is the case, your claim will be passed to our insurer. If the claim is in an area that the council isn’t responsible for, you will be informed.

  2. You will be sent a claim number and details of the insurance company dealing with your claim. If you need to contact us about your claim please quote your claim number.

  3. Our insurer will review your claim form and the information we have provided and decide whether we have been at fault. If we are at fault, the insurer will contact you or your own insurer to settle the claim.

  4. If our insurer thinks that we are not at fault they will write to you and explain why. If you want to discuss their decision then you should contact the insurer directly. Contact details will be included in the letter.

Please note

  • If your claim is for personal injury, our insurer may seek your permission to contact your doctor about your injury.

  • If your claim is for damage to your property, our insurer will ask you for the original purchase receipts, and /or estimates for replacement or repair of the property.

  • The council is unable to provide you with any advice or guidance relating to your claim. You can, however, obtain independent legal advice at any time during the claim process.