We are continuously updating our website and welcome your feedback. 

Provide Feedback on our Website

We have provided some basic information about our website:

All content is available under the Open Government Licence unless stated otherwise.


We update our website on a regular basis and aim to keep all information accurate. However, Huntingdonshire District Council shall, in no circumstances, be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience of any kind, in consequence of the use of the information.


We try to make all of our forms available online. Where this is not currently possible, we make them available in downloadable documents.


We have a number of documents on our site that provide information or need completing as a form. Some of these are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format. If you do not have a version of these, then a free reader can be downloaded from:

Download Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website

Download Microsoft Word Reader from the Microsoft website

Third party sites

We take measures to ensure that the third party sites we refer to contain information that is accurate and appropriate. However, as we have no control over these sites we cannot guarantee availability and cannot accept liability for the content or accuracy of these sites. Links should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.

Partner sites

These sites are also managed by Huntingdonshire District Council:

One Leisure
Invest in Huntingdonshire

Privacy and data protection

When completing eforms or emailing us you may be asked for personal information such as name, address, email etc. Any information held by us will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Further information can be found on our Data Protection page.

We may store a cookie on your device which stores your preferences. This contains no personal data other than your postcode and is only accessible from pages on our domain. To opt out, please block our site from storing cookies on your machine via your browser settings.

Website availability

You can view information about the availability of our websites, including service disruptions and outages, on the Pingdom website