In 2022, we will be renewing our Environment and Climate Strategy to support our vision and aspiration of a net Carbon Zero Huntingdonshire by 2040.

We adopted the aspiration of a net carbon zero Huntingdonshire by 2040, as well as the cross-party developed OxCam Arc environmental principles in December 2021. The agreed set of environmental principles and the adoption of the aspiration of a net carbon zero Huntingdonshire by 2040 forms the basis to renew the Environment and Climate Strategy. 

What is the Environment and Climate Strategy?

The role of the strategy is to ensure we lead by example and influence others to make sure that we are all doing what we can to protect the environment around us.

Key sections within the renewed strategy will be:

  • sharing the success story/journey so far

  • carbon baseline

  • gap analysis

  • net-zero by 2040 trajectory

  • action plan to reach net-zero

  • internal stakeholder engagement

  • external community engagement.

Why do we need an Environment and Climate Strategy?

The Environment and Climate Strategy will lead to the adoption of an Environmental Action Plan where we as a council aim to achieve net zero carbon by 2040. Along with taking steps we will seek to influence communities and businesses in the District to share, contribute and work towards a carbon zero Huntingdonshire by 2040.

Reducing carbon emissions will be a team effort, and we want to understand the views of people across Huntingdonshire on the most appropriate way for us to develop our approach in response to climate change.

How can you get involved?

The first phase of engagement takes place from Friday 25 February 2022 to Friday 25 March 2022 and residents, businesses and other organisations are invited to take part in a short online survey. There will also be the opportunity for people to provide more qualitative and face to face feedback.

The purpose of the engagement is to understand the priorities of our community - residents and businesses - when it comes to their environment. This will help us to better understand the priority areas our community would like to see us influence with our partners.

The views we receive will inform the draft Environmental and Climate Strategy which will be subject to further engagement activity in Summer 2022 where we will test our initial findings with focus groups and targeted communications

Timeline for Strategy

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Whilst the council is focused on reducing its carbon footprint of all its activities we need to ask all the residents and businesses within Huntingdonshire to contribute toward achieving a net carbon zero Huntingdonshire by 2040.