
There are many ways you can already get involved in environmental response and action in Huntingdonshire. As well as lots of local actions the council offers:

Volunteering opportunities across our countryside sides to get involved in supporting and protecting nature. Please view the volunteering page  for more information.

Friends/Communities in our parks who help decide park priorities and support their development.

If you can’t see a friends group local to you contact us openspaces@huntingdonshire.gov.uk

Community Litter picking - we have an exceptional number of dedicated groups who care for their local environment.

Business Environmental Award Scheme - a pilot scheme has been developed supporting businesses to make even better environmental choices and enabling their employee to contribute to the green environment of Huntingdonshire. To express your interest and find out further information on the pledge.

Hunts Waste Busters - dedicated community groups helping to maximise good recycling to minimise the contamination within recycling and ensuring as much as possible is recycled.

More opportunities will be looked at following the priorities that emerge from the Climate Conversation