
We all want to have a cleaner, greener and better place to live so responding to the changes in our climate (adaptation) and achieving net carbon zero (mitigation) is a responsibility that falls to us all.

Huntingdonshire District Council wants to prioritise the issues that impact the communities and business of Huntingdonshire the most – by listening to you we can do this. We can also represent your views with our partners, locally, regionally and nationally to make change count for Huntingdonshire. ""

So get involved in the Huntingdonshire Climate Conversation.

The first phase of engagement takes place from Friday 25 February 2022 to Friday 25 March 2022 and residents, businesses and other organisations are invited to take part in a short online consultation. There will also be the opportunity for people to provide more qualitative and face to face feedback.

The purpose of the consultation is to understand the priorities of our community - residents and businesses - when it comes to their environment. This will help us to better understand the priority areas our community would like to see us influence with our partners.

Complete the online survey or scan the QR code below. 

QR code for survey 

The views we receive will inform the draft Environmental and Climate Strategy which will be subject to further consultation in Summer 2022 where we will test our initial findings with focus groups and targeted communications.

Contact climateconversation@huntingdonshire.gov.uk