Do I need a permit?

If you operate an industrial activity that has the potential to pollute air, water and land, you need to apply for an environmental permit.

Our Environmental Protection team is currently responsible for regulating about 70 processes across the district, from cement and rubber processing to vehicle respraying.

Types of permit

There are three types of permit:

Part A(1) permits

These are regulated by the Environment Agency and cover emissions to air, land, water, energy  and water usage. Industries that are the most polluting come under this category.

Part A(2) permits

We regulate these permits, which cover emissions to air, land, water, energy  and water usage. Industries seen as a medium risk to the environment are included in this category.

View Part A(2) Site List.

Part B permits 

We regulate these permits, which cover emissions to air only. Lesser polluting industries are in this category.

View Part B Site List.

How do I apply?

Visit the GOV.UK website for information on how to apply for a Part A(1) permit.

Email to apply for a Part A(2) or Part B permit.

Fees and charges

See the Fees and Charges page.