Our officers visit all businesses in the district where you can eat or shop for food. Each business is then given a rating from 0 to 5 using the Food Standard Agency’s guidance.

Food hygiene rating scale

What do the ratings mean?

The food hygiene rating reflects the hygiene standards found at the time of the inspection. A business will be given one of five ratings:

0 = urgent improvement needed
1 = major improvement needed
2 = improvement needed
3 = generally satisfactory
4 = good
5 = very good

You can check a food hygiene rating on the Food Standard Agency’s website.

Can a business dispute the rating?

Food businesses that don’t agree with our decision should first discuss the outcome with the officer who carried out the inspection. If the dispute can’t be resolved in this way then the business can dispute the food hygiene rating by making an appeal [PDF, size unavailable].

If a business agrees with the decision, but would like to improve its food hygiene rating, then it can do so by asking for a re-rating inspection. To request a re-rating inspection please:

  1. Complete and submit the re-rating request form below and  
  2. Pay the fee of £120 by calling 01480 388302 to pay by debit or credit card or sending a cheque to Huntingdonshire District Council, Pathfinder House, Huntingdon, PE29 3TN. Please make cheques payable to Huntingdonshire District Council and quote the reference number 4248 53000 NA on the back of the cheque.
Submit Online Re-Rating Request Form
Download Re-Rating Request Form [PDF, size unavailable]

Please note that the re-rating inspection will not be carried out until we have received your payment.

How do I make a complaint about a food business?

The Food Safety team can investigate complaints about food bought in the district and food safety issues at food premises.

Further information is available in our Food Complaint Leaflet [PDF, size unavailable].

If you have a complaint email food@huntingdonshire.gov.uk and we will aim to respond within ten working days.