Please take time to read the following information if you are thinking of, or are currently burning wood in a wood burning stove or open fire.

Open fires and wood-burning stoves have risen in popularity over recent years, however they can lead to an increase in air pollution. This could be reduced in many cases if we use good quality fuel and burn it efficiently.

We continue to work with Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) to raise awareness of what householders can do to reduce their impact on their health and air quality associated with poor burning practices, and the simple steps that residents can take.

Along with information on atmospheric emissions reports, Defra has produced a range of guidance leaflets:

There is also further guidance in We all breathe the same air, which has been produced by chimney sweeps. The guidance provides clear advice on the procedures to follow when lighting a stove or fire to minimise smoke emissions.

Read the press release regarding government taking action to cut pollution from household burning.