Energy efficiency

We actively promote energy efficiency to homeowners across the district to help:

  • lower carbon emissions

  • reduce fuel poverty

  • enable affordable warmth and

  • improve the housing stock.

We play a key role in delivering energy efficiency improvements by promoting local and national grants. We also offer advice on how to make homes warmer, reduce energy consumption and reduce and manage energy bills.

Here's a list of Zero Waste Initiatives [PDF, size unavailable], alternatives to generating waste.

Our priorities and actions

The Home Energy Conservation Act Further Report 2017 [PDF, size unavailable] outlines our priorities and actions for the future. The report encourages the take-up of our Green Deal Communities funding for solid wall insulation in privately owned homes and the private rented sector.

We have also been working hard to reduce our own energy use and carbon emissions from council-owned buildings. Work carried out over the last few years to save energy, fuel and carbon has led to a reduction in our energy and fuel costs. 

Further information can be found in our Green House Gas Emissions Report for 2014/15 [PDF, size unavailable].

How can I save energy in my home?

Your energy provider sends out lots of information on how to save energy with your fuel bills and will often give details of financial help towards fitting insulation or replacing a boiler. You can find independent advice on energy efficient measures and available grants from the Energy Saving Trust.

There are a number of ways you can save energy in your home:

  • cavity wall insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways to save energy and can save you up to £150 a year on your fuel bills

  • loft insulation prevents approximately 30% of your home’s heat from escaping through the roof

  • lag your hot water pipes and tanks to stop heat escaping

  • keep out cold draughts by fitting draught proofing to external doors and windows

  • improve your heating controls by installing a programmer, room thermostat(s) and individual thermostatic radiator valves

  • turning down your room thermostat by just 1°C could save you up to 10% on your heating bills

  • set your hot water cylinder thermostat to 60°C, which is adequate for bathing and washing

  • always turn off lights when leaving a room and don’t leave electrical appliances on standby

  • unplug mobile phone and other chargers when you’re not using them

  • energy saving light bulbs and LED lights last much longer than ordinary bulbs and help reduce your fuel bills

  • when buying new appliances check the energy label and reduce your running costs by choosing a model that’s at least A or B rated.

District councils in Cambridgeshire have created a partnership to deliver energy efficient measures to residents. This partnership, Action on Energy, has been very successful in delivering our first, local scheme. We hope to work together in the future to allow more residents to access insulation grants. Please check the website for the latest news.

Damp and condensation in the home

Damp and condensation in the home can be a major cause of health problems. The booklet Controlling Damp and Condensation in your Home [PDF, size unavailable]gives information and advice about the problem.

Renewable energy for your home

There are a number of popular and effective renewable energy systems that can help you reduce your energy bills and your reliance on fossil fuels (ie oil, coal and gas). If you do want to install renewable energy you will want to think about the times when you run your appliances so that you are taking advantage of the free electricity you are generating.

As with any investment, you should get independent advice and use a reputable installer. The Energy Saving Trust has independent advice on renewable energy.

Managing your energy bills

The information below can help you get better deals on your energy tariffs, change energy provider and get fuel debt advice.

Energy tariffs

All energy companies have a range of different tariffs. There is a good explanation of the most common tariffs on the Which? website.

Big Community Energy Switch

Collective switching schemes are a great way to reduce your energy bill through the power of bulk buying. The local authorities in Cambridgeshire are making a local scheme available to all residents, called Cambridgeshire Energy Switch. Please check the website for details of the next auction.

When you apply you will need:

  • the name of your current energy supplier
  • the name of the tariff you are on, for example 'Standard'.

Struggling with your fuel bill?

All the energy and water companies provide help and advice to customers who are struggling with their bills. The sooner you speak to your provider the better, so that you can agree on a suitable repayment plan. 

There are a number of organisations and charities that can provide advice on debt and staying warm in your home: