The district council is looking to increase the tree canopy cover across the district. Currently our cover is 8.7% and we have committed to increasing this to 20% by 2030.
The district councils tree strategy was approved in 2020 - if you would like to find out more please read our tree strategy.
We have the opportunity to support the planting of 15 new micro-orchard sites within the district.
We are looking for residents who would like to enhance their local green space by pledging to adopt and maintain a micro-orchard.
What is a micro-orchard?
A micro-orchard is 4 fruit trees planted in a square 4-5m apart.
Each micro-orchard will be underplanted with Spring bulbs and perennial floral meadow mix to increase the biodiversity.
Your level of involvement
You can propose a location for a micro-orchard as long as this is on land owned by the District Council (we will be able to advise you on this). Once the site has been approved, you are welcome to choose which fruit trees you wish to plant in your micro-orchard.
You will reap the benefits of having fresh fruit and improved biodiversity in your community.

Looking after your micro-orchard
Between April and October each tree will need to be watered twice a week. Did you know young trees need at least 40 litres of water per week within the first 2 years after being planted. You will be required to maintain this watering regime for the first 2 years.
If you are concerned about your trees, please email with photos and we will provide further advice.
After two years, the trees become self-sufficient, and watering is no longer required. The district council will survey on a regular basis to ensure the trees are in good health.
If you are interested in getting involved, here is how you apply:
Email with your proposed location (address and photo) by 1 September 2022
Applications will be reviewed periodically up to the 1 September 2022 and any unsuccessfully applicants will be contacted as soon as possible to advice why requirements have not been made and offer advice on resubmission
All successful applicants will be contacted by the end of September 2022
A planting day will then be arranged, and you will be invited to come along and join in!