What is a disabled facilities grant (DFG)?

DFGs are provided so that disabled people can make changes to their home to improve access and make facilities easier to use.

A DFG can be used to make changes such as:

  • widen doorways, install ramps and improve access

  • improve bathroom and kitchen facilities

  • update heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use.

The grants awarded go up to £30,000 and this may meet some or all of the cost of the aids or adaptations needed.

Further information can be found in the DFG Handbook [PDF, size unavailable].

Who can apply?

The grant is available if you or someone in your home is assessed as being in need of the adaptation.

Check with the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency (CHIA) to see if you qualify.

How do I apply?

Please contact the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency (CHIA) to apply.