

Hinchingbrooke Country Park, Brampton Road, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6DB

Hinchingbrooke Country Park remains open and the toilets are open daily. The cafe is open 11am-3pm daily serving pre-packed food, drinks and ice creams. You will see new screens and queuing systems and we ask that you please remember to stay 2 meters away from staff and other members of the public. Masks should also be worn inside the cafe.

The play area is now open and we ask that you are considerate and follow the guidelines including maintaining social distancing at all times, washing hands and not using the play area if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus.

Reduced numbers of staff are working on sites and we would appreciate it if you could take any litter home with you.

Thank you for your support.

Hinchingbrooke Country Park covers 170 acres of open grasslands, mature woodland and lakes. It is a great place to visit for families, nature spotters, dog walkers and those who wish to enjoy the great outdoors.

Since 2018 Hinchingbrooke Country Park has held the Green Flag Award, which recognises and rewards the best parks and green spaces in the country.

There is a great mix of play areas, cafe, hard-surfaced and muddy paths, secluded woodlands and wildflower meadows all within a short walk.

The park has a wealth of wildlife, whether you are armed with a camera or binoculars! All three species of British woodpecker can be seen here, along with nuthatch and marsh tit or you may be lucky enough to spot an otter or a kingfisher.

Whether you are walking the dog, exploring with your children, having a picnic or enjoying tea and cakes or ice creams from the cafe, we are sure you will enjoy your visit.

Browse the Events and Activities and Facilities pages to see all the park has to offer.

Directions to the park can be found in our information leaflet [PDF, size unavailable].

Getting here by train.

Hinchingbrooke Country Park visitors centre