Your information will be held by the Leisure and Health Division (One Leisure Facilities, Burgess Hall and Active Lifestyles) which is part of Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC). More information on Leisure and Health can be found at or

Why are we asking for your personal information?

We (Leisure and Health at Huntingdonshire District Council) process this information under the GDPR regulation from 25 May 2018 in line with the following conditions:

We (Leisure and Health at Huntingdonshire District Council) are collecting this information:

  • to provide you with a safe, enjoyable and effective programme, event or activity
  • for the purposes of managing, delivering, promoting, evaluating and improving Leisure and Health programmes, events and activities
  • to be able to provide you with due care in a medical event or accident requiring first aid treatment or to contact someone in an event of an emergency
  • to advise you of other activities that may be suitable or of interest to you
  • to run our business in an efficient and proper way. This includes managing our financial position, business capability, planning, communications, corporate governance, and audit
  • to prevent or detect fraud.

We cannot provide you access to leisure facilities, events or programmes unless you provide this personal information. If you do not or if you refuse to allow us to share information we will not be able to carry out the service for you and cannot be held responsible for any consequences to you of it not being carried out.

You have the right to receive a copy of this data, rectify inaccurate data and to request your personal data which you have provided to us, to be supplied in a machine readable format to you or another data controller on your behalf.

We may require the following types of personal information depending on activity undertaken:

  • where you live and how to contact you
  • details about your age, nationality, disability
  • this could include things like registration forms or health referral forms
  • bank details for direct debit payments.

The law and other regulations treat some types of personal information as special. We will only collect and use these types of data if the law allows us to do so:

  • racial or ethnic origin
  • health data
  • gender
  • criminal convictions and offences

This is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health 9 (2) (i)

When we process this special data you have the right to have a copy of the data, to ask us to correct it if its incorrect and to object to the processing.

How we use it

We will use the personal information collected to:

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What we use it for How it is used
To provide you with a safe and effective activity. To ensure our customers receive safe, effective and productive sessions for their particular situation.
To be able to provide you with due care in a medical event or accident requiring first aid treatment or to contact someone in an event of an emergency. To ensure appropriate information and guidance is available to emergency services in respect of an incident during an activity session.
For the purposes of managing, delivering, promoting, evaluating and improving Leisure and Health schemes.

To develop and manage our services.

To develop and test new services to meet our customer needs and to grow our business.

Keeping our records up to date.

Developing and expanding services to enable people to be more active and healthy while having fun and remaining safe.

To respond to complaints and seek to resolve them.

To advise you of other activities that may be suitable or of interest to you.

To develop and carry out marketing activities.

To understand how our customers use our services.

To provide advice and guidance about our services.

To run our business in an efficient and proper way, including managing our financial position, business capability, planning, communications, corporate governance and audit.

To manage our relationship with you or your business.

To manage fees and charges due on customer activity.

To collect and recover money that is owed to us.

To prevent or detect fraud.  

In undertaking these actions we will use data processors from time to time including:

  • industry software suppliers
  • sport, leisure and entertainments providers
  • parish and town councils.

How to withdraw your consent

If you sign up to receive information about our various activities you can withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact us if you want to do so.
You can update your contact preferences at any time through your One Leisure account, or by using the contact details below.

Tel: 01480 388111

Sharing your information

We do not share your personal information unless you are taking part in a specific programme or activity and this will be detailed on the information provided to you at the time of registration.

Depending on the activity undertaken and in line with your consent we may share your personal data with:

  • health Professionals that refer you to us (such as GPs, nurses, OTs, physiotherapists etc)
  • interested parties that signpost you to our services (such as Network, Voluntary Organisations, Hunts Volunteer Centre etc)
  • neighbouring local authorities and Cambridgeshire County Council
  • partner sector agencies such as Living Sport, Everyone Health.

We may process the information you provide to prevent and detect fraud in any of our systems and may supply information to government agencies, credit reference agencies, audit or other external bodies for such purposes. We participate in the government's National Fraud Initiative.

If any of the information we have about you is incorrect, please tell us - we are reliant on you assisting us to keep your information accurate and up to date.

Retention of your personal information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you are a customer of the Leisure & Health Division (One Leisure Facilities, Burgess Hall and Active Lifestyles).

After you stop being a customer, we will retain your data in accordance with our retention policy:

  • to meet obligations of external funders under contractual arrangements
  • to show that we treated you fairly
  • to respond to any questions or complaints
  • to maintain records according to rules that apply to us.

We may also keep it for research or statistical purposes. If we do, we will make sure that your privacy is protected by anonymising the data and only use it for that purpose.

We only keep your information as long as necessary, for some items this will be dictated by law.

Transfer of personal data

We do not routinely process any information about you outside the European Economic Area (EEA), except in rare cases, where we use all appropriate safeguards

Data Controller and ICO reference

Leisure and Health is a division of Huntingdonshire District Council. (HDC) is a registered Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office.

If you have a query regarding your rights please contact the Data Protection Officer at Or you can write to HDC and mark your letter for the attention of the Data Protection Officer. Alternatively you can call 01480 388388.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) should you believe any part of this statement to be unlawful.