We run a variety of sport and activity sessions and events within the district:

Sport and active recreation

We are running an ongoing project that aims to get more people taking part in sport. We have a range of activities including specialised sports tuition or team building for a school, sports club, youth group or workplace - our unique package has something for all.

Street sports

Street Sports are informal sports activities for 11 to 19 year olds. They are free to attend and include sports such as football, dodgeball, and cricket.

Walking sports

As part of our walking sports sessions we currently offer; football, netball, and cricket (*new for 2020*). Each session is slightly modified where players walk instead of run and all are suitable for adults aged 35+. We welcome players of any ability or fitness level.


PEDALS is a cycling scheme for disabled people and their families, who are aged 8 and over. The scheme involves instructor-led sessions at Hinchingbrooke Country Park.

U Canoe

U Canoe gives students the chance to try canoeing within a swimming pool using inflatable canoes.

Sports for all

We run weekly sports sessions for disabled people at day care centres across the district.

College and sixth form sport

We offer sports sessions to colleges and sixth forms to help increase the number of people aged 16+ participating in sport.

School sport

We work closely with local schools across the district to help promote sport.

School holiday activities

We offer a wide variety of fun activities and courses to keep children active and entertained.