
A club premises certificate is required to authorise the supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club.

A qualifying club:

  • must have at least 25 members who have joined together for social, sporting or political purposes

  • is permitted under the terms of a club premises certificate to sell and supply alcohol to its members and their guests only

  • may provide late night refreshment to club members without requiring additional authorisation

  • must meet all the requirements set out in section 62 of the Licensing Act 2003

  • must pay an annual fee for a club licence.

Qualifying clubs should not be confused with proprietary clubs, which are clubs run commercially by individuals, partnerships or businesses for profit. These require a premises licence and are not qualifying clubs.

The law on clubs can be complex and we recommend that you obtain independent legal advice before making an application.

What happens if I don't apply for a certificate?

You can be fined and/or imprisoned for up to six months if you provide alcohol or regulated entertainment without the necessary certificate or if you do not follow the conditions of the certificate.

How do I apply?

Complete the application and pay the relevant fee online. You will also need to provide a premises plan, a copy of the club rules and the club declaration for a new club premises certificate.

Apply for a New Club Premises Certificate
Apply for a Declaration for a Club Premises Certificate
Apply for a Variation to a Club Premises Certificate
Apply for a Minor Variation to a Club Premises Certificate

Please notify us of any change of details or club rules.

The council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on the application form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. Further information is available on our Data Matching page.


The fee payable depends on the type of application you submit and is based on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises.

You also need to make an annual payment for a club licence.

Does tacit consent apply?

Yes, except for minor variation applications. This means you will be able to act as though your application has been granted if you have not heard from us within 42 days after we confirm we have received your application.

If we receive any comments or representations about your application, a hearing will be held before we make a decision.