Licence summary

You or a member of your staff must hold a personal licence if you sell or supply alcohol from any licensed premises, including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels.

Most premises where alcohol is sold (except under a temporary event notice) are required to have a designated premises supervisor, who must hold a personal licence.

To apply you must be 18 years of age or older and hold a licensing qualification such as the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) Level 2. View the list of accredited qualification providers.

How do I apply?

Complete and return the application form [PDF, size unavailable], the disclosure of criminal convictions and declaration form [PDF, size unavailable]and pay the fee.

You will also need to provide:

  • the original certificate of your licensing qualification

  • a basic criminal record disclosure that is less than one month old at the date you make your application. This can be obtained from GOV.UK

  • two photographs which must be:

    • 45mm x 35mm (standard passport size) on photographic paper

    • on a light background, full face uncovered and without sunglasses or a head covering (unless you wear a head covering due to religious beliefs) and

    • one of which must be endorsed as a true likeness by a solicitor, notary or person of standing in the community, such as a bank or building society official, police officer, civil servant, minister of religion or someone with a professional qualification.

  • proof that you have the legal right to work in the UK. Details of the documents you need to provide can be found in the notes section of the application form [PDF, size unavailable]. Please do not send original documents - a copy, preferably in colour, is sufficient.

You must inform us, in writing, if you have any unspent convictions for relevant offences or foreign offences (any equivalent offences committed outside of England and Wales). You must also tell us if you have been required to pay a civil immigration penalty. In these cases, we will consult the police and/or the Home Office about your application.

Existing licence holders

If you are an existing personal licence holder please note that you are legally required to inform us if, at any time in the future, you are convicted of any relevant or foreign offence, or required to pay an immigration penalty. If you are charged with a relevant offence you must tell the court that you hold a personal licence before the end of your first court appearance. If you are convicted, the court may decide to forfeit or suspend your licence as part of the sentence. We may also review your licence to determine if it needs to be revoked or suspended.

Renewing a personal licence

You don't need to renew your licence. Personal licences issued after 1 April 2015 have no expiry date and will remain valid unless they are surrendered or revoked.

If you have a licence that was issued before 1 April 2015 you can continue to use it, even if it appears to have expired. If you'd like an updated licence with the expiry date removed you can apply for a newly issued licence. To do so please provide:

  • a written request including your full name and address
  • your existing licence or an explanation as to why it can't be returned
  • a £10.50 administration fee which can be paid either by cheque (payable to Huntingdonshire District Council) or by calling 01480 387075.

Although there is no requirement to update your photo we recommend you do so every 10 years. There is a £10.50 fee for photo updates.


  • licence application: £37

  • duplicate licence if lost/stolen, or  an updated licence or for a change of address or photo: £10.50

Does tacit consent apply?

No. This means you cannot supply or sell alcohol until we send you your personal licence.

Data matching

The council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on the application form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. Further information is available on our Data Matching page.