The Licensing Act allows responsible authorities (fire and police services, environmental health, trading standards etc) and any other person to support or oppose a licence application.

How will I know if a licence application has been made?

You can view all licence applications on the Public Access Information System

Licence applicants are also required to:

  • fix a notice to the premises for 28 days and

  • advertise in a local newspaper.

How do I make a comment?

Any person can make representations or comments to the council about applications for new licences, variations or reviews. 

Comments may be positive or negative, but will only be considered relevant if they relate clearly to the licensing objectives. We will reject comments that are frivolous (time-wasting or not serious) or if they relate to personal disputes between businesses.

Send your comments by email or in writing to the Licensing team by the advertised closing date.

What happens next?

If we consider your reasons for making representations are relevant, we will arrange a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee to consider the evidence. You, or someone that represents you, will be invited to the hearing to explain your concerns. Only issues that have previously been made in writing can be presented at the hearing.

The sub-committee will then either:

  • grant the application, subject to any modifying conditions

  • reject one or more requested licensable activities

  • reject the application

  • refuse to specify a person as a designated premises supervisor.

You and the applicant can appeal the council’s decision at your local Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of receiving the decision notification.