
You must register your food business with us at least 28 days before opening.

Registration is required for most types of food business, whether trading for profit or not, including:

  • restaurants and cafes

  • hotels and pubs

  • shops and supermarkets

  • takeaways

  • mobile and temporary premises such as stalls and vans

  • staff canteens

  • catering businesses, including those run from home.

Registration allows us to keep an up-to-date list of all premises in the district so we can visit them when needed. The frequency of the visits will depend on the type of business and how well it complies with food hygiene requirements.

If you use vehicles for your food business and have permanent premises, such as a shop or warehouse, you only need to register the fixed premises but you must also tell us how many vehicles you have. You do not need to register each vehicle separately.

If you have one or more vehicles but no permanent premises, you need to tell us where they are normally kept.

If you are going to be producing foods containing meat, poultry, fish, dairy and/or egg products to be sold to other caterers or retail shops you may need to obtain food premises approval before you start trading.

You do not need to renew your registration, but please let us know of any changes.

What happens if I don't register?

You may be fined and/or imprisoned for up to two years if you run a food business without registering.


You do not need to register if you:

  • produce or prepare food for private domestic consumption only

  • are a primary producer, for example, you grow fruit or vegetables or

  • operate a “product-specific” food business which requires approval under Regulation 853/2004 – eg you produce meat, poultry, fish, dairy and/or egg products.

How do I register?

Register Your Food Business Online


There is no charge to register your food business.

Does tacit consent apply?

Yes. As long as you have provided all the information requested, your details will be added to the food premises register. No certificate of registration is issued.

Appeals and complaints

Please contact us.

Consumer complaint

The Food Safety team investigates food complaints and customer complaints about food safety issues relating to food premises. Please see our leaflet [PDF, size unavailable]on food complaints for further information.