
We are responsible for licensing premises where gambling and betting take place, including:

  • adult gaming centres

  • betting shops

  • bingo halls

  • casinos

  • family entertainment centres

  • race tracks.

The Gambling Commission deals with applications for operating and personal licences.

How do I apply?

Complete and return the application form, together with a plan of the premises, and pay the fee.

Gambling Premises Licence Application Form [DOCX, size unavailable]

A notice of the application must also be:

  • displayed at the premises for 28 days starting from the day after the application was submitted and

  • published in a local newspaper within 10 working days starting from the day after the application was submitted.

Notice of Application for a Gambling Premises Licence [DOC, size unavailable]

The council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on the application form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. Further information is available on our Data Matching page.


View the Table of Fees [PDF, size unavailable].

How do I make a change to my licence?

A premises licence can be changed in many ways and an application can be made at any time after the licence has been granted.

To vary a gambling premises licence

Complete and return the application form and pay the fee.

Application Form to Vary a Gambling Premises Licence [DOCX, size unavailable]

To transfer a gambling premises licence

Complete and return the relevant application form and pay the fee.

Application Form to Transfer a Premises Licence for Betting Premises (Including Track and Bingo) [DOCX, size unavailable]
Application Form to Transfer a Premises Licence for a Family Entertainment Centre [DOCX, size unavailable]
Application Form to Transfer a Premises Licence for an Adult Gaming Centre [DOCX, size unavailable]

Does tacit consent apply?

No. We need to process your application. Please contact us if you have not heard from us after 28 days.