
We are responsible for registering small society, non-commercial lotteries.

Small society lotteries are those where:

  • the total value of tickets on sale per single lottery is £20,000 or less or

  • the total value of tickets sold in a calendar year does not exceed £250,000.

Lotteries exceeding these values are classified as large lotteries and must be licensed by the Gambling Commission.


Exemptions may apply to some types of lottery, such as occasional non-commercial lotteries, private lotteries or customer lotteries.

For example, a raffle held at a school fete, where all the proceeds will go entirely to purposes that are not for private gain, may be an exempt lottery.

Are there any restrictions?

We may refuse registration if:

  • the applicant has had an operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission revoked

  • an application for an operating licence made by the applicant has been refused within the past five years

  • the society in question cannot be considered to be non-commercial

  • a person connected with the promotion of the lottery has been convicted of a relevant offence

  • information provided in or with the application for registration is found to be false or misleading.

How do I apply?

To register a small lottery you need to provide us with:

  • a completed application form [DOC, size unavailable]

  • a copy of the society’s terms and conditions or constitution signed by the appropriate officers (please let us know of any future changes to these documents) and

  • the £40 registration fee.

Lottery registrations are valid for one year. They can be renewed yearly at a cost of £20, payable two months before the registration expires. Your registration will be cancelled if you do not renew it in time and you will have to re-register as a new lottery.

You are required to send us a Statement of Lottery Returns form [DOC, size unavailable] within three months of the lottery draw (or the last draw).

The council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on the application form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. Further information is available on our Data Matching page.


  • registration fee: £40

  • annual renewal fee: £20

Does tacit consent apply?

No. This means you must receive your registration before holding a lottery.