Licence summary

You need a licence from us to carry out street collections for charitable, sporting, cultural or other purposes that are not for private gain.

A licence is not needed for collections inside private premises, such as supermarkets. You should, however, get permission from the landowner or occupier before you carry out a collection.

What happens if I don't apply for a licence?

You could be fined £200 if you collect money for charity without a licence.

Are there any restrictions?

We only allow one collection per area per day.

How do I apply?

First contact us to book a collection date. Then complete the online application form at least one month before the collection date. You will also need to provide:

  • a letter of authority, and

  • the contract between the organiser and benefiting charity.

Apply for a Licence Online

After the collection

Within one month of the collection taking place you must complete and return a Form of Statement detailing the total amount collected and the amount used for expenses. We may also require you to place information about the collection, including the amount collected, in a local newspaper.

You will be refused a licence in the future if you do not submit a Form of Statement.

Complete a Form of Statement


There is no charge for charitable street collection applications.

Does tacit consent apply?

Yes. This means you can act as though your application has been granted if you have not heard from us within 28 days of us receiving your application. This only applies if you submitted your application online and can show proof of delivery.

Appeals and complaints

If you are refused a licence and want to appeal please email

Consumer complaints

We advise that consumer complaints are first made to the trader, preferably in the form of a letter (with proof of delivery). If that does not work, further advice is available from Citizens Advice.

For complaints such as noise pollution or for one licence holder complaining about another, please contact us for advice.