
Brampton housing

Huntingdonshire District Council is pleased to announce that a record 440 affordable housing completions have been secured across the district for the 2019/2020 financial year. This is the highest number of completions in a single year for more than a decade. The closest figures in recent years are the 367 and 287 completions made in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 respectively.

The delivery of 440 new affordable homes is a result of the council’s commitment that 40% of dwellings in housing developments of 11 homes or more are required to be affordable. The new homes are spread throughout the towns and villages across the district.

Executive Leader of the council, Cllr Ryan Fuller, said: "Providing more affordable homes has been a priority and in the last couple of years we have focused on creating the new policies and plans that have enabled the delivery of this record number of new homes. I have previously spoken about the broken housing market and that availability and affordability of housing is one of the greatest barriers that we find in our country today. I am proud that Huntingdonshire District Council is working hard to redress this imbalance in the market and is committed to delivering the affordable housing that our residents need.

St Ives Housing
Sawtry Housing
"This record number of new affordable homes demonstrates that we are moving in the right direction and can have a positive impact on the housing needs of local residents, ensuring that Huntingdonshire is at the forefront of delivering truly affordable homes for our residents to rent and buy."
The affordable homes that have been delivered are a combination of housing for rent, available to those on the council’s Housing Register, and a proportion are for shared ownership which allows the opportunity for outright purchase in the future.
Huntingdonshire District Council’s Housing Strategy Team work closely and in partnership with the Planning and Housing Needs teams, ensuring that discussions and negotiations with developers, housebuilders and housing associations are geared to deliver the housing required.