
During these unprecedented times, Huntingdonshire District Council is closely monitoring the coronavirus situation and redeploying resources to ensure that the council continues to deliver an array of vital services, as well as looking after the well-being of our residents and employees.

All of the council’s front line services, buildings and facilities currently remain open. However, we do encourage all residents and businesses to access services online or by telephone where possible, to help prevent any avoidable spreading of the virus and to enable us to direct our efforts towards assisting those members of the community who most need our help.

The council has always had contingency plans for different situations that could potentially disrupt the work that we do for our residents. We have now enacted robust business continuity procedures to ensure the health and well-being of our employees so that they are able to continue to deliver vital services to our communities. I would like to reassure residents that strategies are in place to make sure that these services carry on over the coming months.

We are working in partnership with the Local Resilience Forum which includes all public sector organisations in the county and will also be issuing support and advice for town and parish councils in Huntingdonshire.

Currently, government legislation requires all meetings of the council to take place face-to-face and the next scheduled meeting is of the Cabinet on Thursday (19 March). This meeting will take place, however further government guidance on the ability to hold meetings remotely is expected imminently. We will then make a decision on how to proceed with future meetings of the council.

Huntingdonshire District Council’s priority at this time is to support and protect our communities. As executive leader, I will do everything possible to assist our business community, maintain the essential services that our residents rely on and support the most vulnerable people in our district.

Cllr Ryan Fuller, Executive Leader of the Council