There are six potential projects make up the investment in St Neots programme and they were selected from a large number of project ideas. Proposals needed to fit the strategic direction of the town, align to the funding priorities and criteria of the DLUHC's Future High Streets Fund, maximise value for money for the public sector (costs relative to benefits), and be deliverable within the timeframe with acceptable risks. A longlist of proposals was created through engagement with various stakeholders.

The final six potential projects to take forward for consideration were selected through engagement with stakeholders, urban design studies and cost estimation and an options appraisal.

  1. Possible pedestrian and cycling improvement options for St Neots Road Bridge.

    • As part of the public realm group of project, this project is currently part of options and feasibility work. The options for the road bridge were offered for presentation to local stakeholders and initially brought to the public through engagement as St Neots Farmers' Market in May 2022.
  2. St Neots High Street enhancements.

    • As part of the public realm group of project, this project is currently part of options and feasibility work. The options for the high street were offered for presentation to local stakeholders and initially brought to the public through engagement as St Neots Farmers' Market in May 2022.
  3. Market Square enhancements, including possible removal of car parking, improved public realm and connectivity.

    • As part of the public realm group of project, this project is currently part of options and feasibility work. The options for the market square were offered for presentation to local stakeholders and initially brought to the public through engagement as St Neots Farmers' Market in May 2022.
  4. Producing plans for the Priory Centre to explore future provision of a high-quality event and cultural space and act as an anchor for the future redevelopment of the northern parts of the town centre.

    • Potential options for enhancement to the Priory Centre are currently under analysis for feasibility.
  5. Exploring how to bring the Old Falcon Inn it back into productive use and protect its heritage status.

    • Discussions are ongoing with the current owner of the Old Falcon Inn, surveys have taken place to understand the current state of the building and build a picture of the feasibility and cost associated with bringing the building back into productive use. 
  6. A potential new Waterfront Route, including a possible riverside promenade to create a new attraction in the town centre, which utilises the riverfront of the Great Ouse for leisure and recreation.

    • The project is in the very early stages, full feasibility and planning studies are yet to take place.

These projects will be considered in collaboration with delivery partners and key stakeholders including:

  • Cambridgeshire County Council

  • Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority

  • The UK Government and

  • St Neots Town Council.


Page last updated 14th July 2022.