We want to know what you think about your town. We are continuing to develop options and proposals for the identified projects that make up the wider investment in St Neots and it is vital that we continue to facilitate ongoing conversations with local people.

As this programme of investment continues, we will share key dates and engagement opportunities to have your say and let us know what future you want to see for St Neots town centre. 

We're asking people who live and work in St Neots to join the conversation about the future of your town. As the programme moves forward, we want the community to join the conversation about the future of St Neots and work with us to develop a shared vision and consider options for the town.

If you want to make sure you’re invited to all our community events and activities, you can join our mailing list.

Previous Cabinet Papers

Cabinet Paper - June 2022: Market Towns Summer Update

Cabinet Paper - March 2022: Market Towns Spring Update

Future Engagement

Further public engagement is expected later on this Summer and into the Autumn. Keep and eye out on our social media channels where we will promote all upcoming engagement events and opportunities, or alternatively sign up to our mailing list.

Previous Engagement

Market Square Engagement - May 2022

The Investment in St Neots engagement team was out and about in St Neots on market day to talk to local people, visitors, market traders and businesses about options for the enhancement of the three public realm projects: the market square, the high street and the bridge. During the day, the team spoke to over 250 people about the scheme and collected feedback on the proposed project options.

In addition to the public engagement on market day, the engagement team held a stakeholder only feedback session and the proposed project options were also shared online alongside a short online feedback survey to allow those unable to attend, to have their say digitally. The feedback received from this engagement can be found in this report.

On Thursday 12 May 2022 the Future High Streets Project Team held a stakeholder drop-in session to share options for the three public realm highways projects. These projects are improvements to the Market Square, the High Street and the road bridge.

The projects team was also present at the St Neots Farmers Market on Saturday 14 May 2022 and spent the day talking with residents and local stakeholders to share more information about the options and allow residents to have their say and give feedback.

Images [PDF, 27MB] [PDF, 27MB]

Link to report

Resident & Business Survey - August 2021

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the Investment in St Neots Future High Streets Fund Survey.  We had just under 800 responses to our survey.

Below is an infographic that showcases the top line summary of the results that we received from our resident and business engagement. Alternatively you can read the full report. [PDF, size unavailable] [PDF, size unavailable]

Page last updated 28th July 2022.