There are a number of services available for older people in the district:

Health and recreation

Health walks

Walking is a free and easy way to get fit and stay healthy. The Huntingdonshire Health Walks scheme runs walks in Huntingdon, Ramsey, St Ives, St Neots and Yaxley on a regular basis. You are welcome to join our scheme, no matter what your fitness level.

See the Health Walks page for more information.

RightStart exercise classes

RightStart exercise classes are for older people wanting to exercise for the first time or those returning to exercise after a medical condition. There are a range of classes, from chair-based to circuit style, to cater for all abilities and ages.

See the RightStart page for further information.

Exercise referral scheme

The exercise referral scheme gives local people access to exercise for rehabilitation and the prevention of certain medical conditions. Registered health professionals can refer people who may benefit from a personalised exercise programme to any of our One Leisure centres.

See the Exercise Referral page for further information.

Cardiac rehabilitation exercise classes

We hold specialised exercise classes across the district for people who have had a heart attack or heart surgery and want to improve their health and fitness. Classes are £3.50 each (or 10 classes for £30) and are taught by a cardiac rehabilitation qualified member of staff.

See the Cardiac Rehabilitation page for more information.


See the Sheltered Housing and Support at Home page for information on the schemes available for people who want to live independently but need some level of support.


Free bus passes

Free bus passes are issued by Cambridgeshire County Council. To apply for or renew a free bus pass, please visit Cambridgeshire County Council’s website or telephone 0345 045 1367.