Sports and activities

Disability sport

The Sports and Active Lifestyles team works with a number of partners to ensure disabled people have the same opportunities and choices as non-disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity.

See the Disability Sport page for more information.

RightStart exercise classes

RightStart exercise classes are for people who need additional support to exercise. There are a range of classes, from chair-based to circuit style, to cater for all abilities and ages.

See the RightStart page for more information.


PEDALS is a cycling scheme for disabled people and their families, who are aged 8 and over. The scheme is free of charge and involves instructor-led sessions.

See the PEDALS page for more information.


Visit the Disabled Parking page for information on disabled parking in the district and blue badge parking permits.

Disabled facilities grant

Disabled facilities grants of up to £30,000 are available to help disabled people make changes to their home to improve access and make facilities easier to use.

The Disabled Facilities Grant page has more information.