Stage 1: CIL Additional Information Form

All planning applicants must submit Form 1: CIL Additional Information . The CIL Additional Information Guidance Note will help you complete the form.

In most cases the form will contain enough information for us to calculate the CIL liability. However, we may request further information for large or complex applications.

In circumstances where planning permission is not required, including permitted development, you must submit Form 5: Notice of Chargeable Development instead. 

If there have been any changes of circumstances regarding the information provided since the Form 1: CIL Additional Information was submitted, you should submit a new Form 1: CIL Additional Information.

Stage 2: Liability to pay CIL

A Form 2: Assumption of Liability is required.

It is recommended that this is submitted with the Form 1: CIL Additional Information Form with the planning application submission.

The form must be submitted before the commencement of the CIL-liable development or a surcharge could be imposed and the ability to pay in instalments withdrawn.

You may be able to apply for relief or exemption from CIL such as for self-build, social housing or charitable relief. See the CIL Exemptions page for more information .

Stage 3: Liability Notice

Once planning permission has been granted we will issue you with a Liability Notice detailing how much CIL is payable. Details of how this is calculated are available in the Charging Schedule [PDF, size unavailable].

Stage 4: Commencement Notice

Before the commencement of the CIL-liable development you must submit the Form 6: Commencement Notice to us.

This will allow us to determine when the CIL payments are due. Failure to do so could result in a surcharge being imposed and the ability to pay in instalments withdrawn.

If there have been any changes of circumstances about the liability of the person/party paying CIL since Form 2: Assumption of Liability was submitted, you should submit a Form 4: Transfer of Assumed Liability

Stage 5: Demand Notice

On receipt of a valid Form 6: Commencement Notice we will issue a Demand Notice to the person/party who has assumed liability to pay CIL

If no-one has assumed liability to pay CIL before the Demand Notice is issued, the liability defaults to the owner(s) of the land.

The Demand Notice will set out the amount of CIL payable, payment options and due dates. As noted at Stage 2, if a Form 2: Assumption of Liability has not been submitted, a surcharge could be imposed and the ability to pay in instalments withdrawn.

If the calculated CIL payment due is less than £50 it is treated as zero rated and does not need to be paid.

CIL appeals

Appeals can be made against all aspects of the CIL collection and enforcement system . There are two exceptions where an appeal system does not exist: social housing relief and exceptional circumstances relief.

CIL Appeal Procedure [PDF, size unavailable]

CIL Appeal advice pages

Non-payment of CIL or failing to follow the procedures outlined above may result in you having to pay a surcharge.

Details can be found in our document Consequences of Non Payment of CIL or Failing to Follow CIL Procedures [PDF, size unavailable].

If you have any questions, contact the CIL Team.