A number of changes to planning policy and guidance have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to the specific information below, further planning advice can be found on GOV.UK's coronavirus planning update page.

Use of pubs and restaurants as food takeaways during the coronavirus outbreak

The government has put in place emergency measures to relax planning laws to allow social venues, including businesses such as pubs and restaurants, to operate as takeaways to start providing food delivery services straightaway through a new permitted development right.

Takeaway food must either be collected by, or delivered to, customers and should not be consumed on the premises. This permitted development right is made under Part 4, Class DA of the Town and Country Planning Act General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended) and allows the temporary change until 23 March 2021.

Under the changes to regulations, pubs and restaurants wishing to use their premises as food takeaways must notify their Local Planning Authority in writing - you can notify us by emailing planning.enforcement@huntingdonshire.gov.uk.

When notifying us, please include the following details:

  • name and address of the public house or restaurant
  • name of contact (for example, the licensee or manager)
  • telephone number
  • date on which the temporary use as a takeaway started.

You may also require a licence under the Licensing Act 2003.

Construction site working hours during the coronavirus outbreak

The government published a Written Ministerial Statement on planning and construction working hours on 13 May 2020. The government expects local planning authorities to approve requests to extend construction working hours temporarily, to ensure safe working in line with social distancing guidelines, until 9pm, Monday to Saturday, unless there are very compelling reasons against this.

Further information is available on GOV.UK's coronavirus construction update page

Developers wishing to extend construction hours within Huntingdonshire should to agree an extension with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) in writing and via an exchange of letters/emails. Within this correspondence the LPA will agree the parameters of the work to be undertaken, the locations on the site and the times. On larger sites we may wish to agree certain times for certain areas of a site, or certain activities, such as internal works only.

As part of a request to extend working hours, please provide the following information by email to planning.enforcement@huntingdonshire.gov.uk:

  • the proposed extended hours of construction
  • whether the hours are proposed to relate solely to construction on site or also other activities such as deliveries, or solely internal works
  • the locations on the site where extended working hours are proposed.

If we receive complaints from local residents we will retain the right to revisit the agreed details and possibly negotiate alternative arrangements.

Pavement cafes

We are keen to support restaurants and other businesses who wish to trial operating a pavement cafe or placing tables and chairs on the pavement. For further information, please visit the Pavement Licence page.

Outdoor seating

In the exceptional circumstances that we are currently facing, the Local Planning Authority (Huntingdonshire District Council) will work pragmatically with businesses where temporary outside tables and chairs can assist with re-opening and recovery of their business.

Private land

If it can be achieved in a safe manner, then the temporary change to the use of the private land for siting of tables and chairs in connection with an existing business will not require the submission of a planning application during the recovery period of the COVID-19 global pandemic. The siting of tables and chairs would be considered ancillary to the main use and would also not require formal planning permission during this period.

We reserve the right to review this discretion if any complaints are received and will remove the rights for these temporary measures once social distancing measures are fully relaxed.

Listed buildings

Businesses should not attach anything to a building/structure that is a listed building without relevant listed building consent as it is a criminal offence to carry out unauthorised works to listed buildings.

The Listed Buildings page has further guidance and information on how to check if your property is a listed building.