An application for listed building consent must contain enough information for it to be registered by the planning team and for the proposed works to be assessed by specialist staff. 

The following guidance can help you with your application:

Making Better Applications for Listed Building Consent

We can reject applications where not enough information is provided for validation and may refuse consent for schemes where a lack of information means that an application cannot be fully assessed.

Justification of works to a listed building

Anyone applying for listed building consent must be able to justify their proposals. They need to show why works that would affect the special interest of a listed building are desirable or necessary. This justification should be written in a Heritage Statement which shows that the applicant has thought about the impact of proposed works to the historic building.

If you decide to employ an agent, it is recommended that you use one who has experience of historic buildings and sound conservation practice. Some agents may also be able to specify the works and advise on suitable materials.

For some types of alteration, you will also need planning permission and Building Regulations approval, for which there is a fee.

Certain requirements of the Building Regulations may be relaxed where their strict application would harm the special interest of a listed building.

If the work involves the alteration or demolition of a building which is classified as Grade I or II* listed, the council has to consult with Historic England. 

Guidance notes: Applying for listed building consent

Advice and Guidance for Owners and Occupiers of Listed Buildings [PDF, size unavailable]

Applying Online for Listed Building Consent

 Planning permission and listed building consent

Work requiring listed building consent will often also require planning permission. If this is the case, it is strongly advised that the two applications are submitted together. If this is not done, unexpected problems may arise because the granting of planning permission does not, in every case, imply that listed building consent will also be given.

For example, a building owner may obtain planning permission to change the use of a listed building without having any clear idea of the work this alteration may require. The works of conversion may also require listed building consent and failure to obtain this consent could lead to possible enforcement action and prevent the development from proceeding.

Please be aware that some works that do not require planning permission at all (particularly internal alterations) may still require listed building consent. 

How long does it take to get consent?

It usually takes eight weeks to process a listed building consent application. However, this can take longer in complex cases or where Historic England is involved. 

Some kinds of applications, principally those involving the demolition of a listed building, have to be referred to the Secretary of State before they are determined. If the Secretary of State thinks fit, they may then decide this themselves. 

Work should never begin until a notice giving consent has been received and any pre-commencement condition attached to that consent has been discharged. If you start works without the necessary authorisation, you risk having enforcement action taken against you. 

What happens if consent is refused? 

If the planning case officer indicates that your application for listed building consent is likely to be refused, you should enter into further discussions with the planning team. Making changes to your proposal could resolve the reasons for refusal. You may also wish to discuss the reasons for refusal with a specialist heritage adviser. Submitting amendments to the scheme, or a further application based on specialist advice, could then be your best route to a successful outcome. 

If the council refuses your application for listed building consent you have twelve weeks to make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, who will make an independent assessment of the application and either allow or refuse you listed building consent. 

Planning Portal: Guidance on Making an Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate