On 24 January 2023 Huntingdonshire District Council’s Cabinet agreed to the preparation of a full update to the adopted Local Plan which will set out a plan for how the district will grow over future decades. This will include starting the process of producing new local evidence and opportunities for public engagement and feedback as the plan progresses.

The council’s current ‘Local Plan to 2036’ was adopted on 15 May 2019 identifying sufficient land for new homes, jobs, facilities, infrastructure, and open spaces to meet known needs. The Local Plan and other development plan documents which include Neighbourhood Plans and the Minerals and Waste Local Plan will continue to be used to determine planning applications until the updated Local Plan is completed.

As part of the first round of public engagement we will be asking for feedback on a Statement of Community Involvement and Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. More detail on the documents, their content and timings for consultation will be published on this page in the near future. Agreement to commence public engagement on these documents was confirmed at Cabinet on 24 January 2023.

In addition, a Local Development Scheme will be produced to outline the scope of the Local Plan update. This will provide an indicative timetable for its production and highlight opportunities for engagement. This will be progressing through the council's committee cycle (Overview and Scrutiny – Performance and Growth and Cabinet) and be published on this page once agreed.

If you wish to be informed of future Local Plan related consultations please register on our online consultation system. Once registered you will be notified by email at each stage of consultation and be able to use the system to make comments on the documents published.