Check if you need permission

Before you apply for planning permission to make changes to your home, you can check if you need permission as many types of householder development fall within the permitted development legislation. If, after researching this, you are still unsure if your development requires permission or not you can apply for a certificate of lawfulness to get confirmation. 

What to submit

If you’re planning to build an extension or carry out other householder development that requires a planning application, you will need to submit valid documentation.

A householder application would include, but not be limited to, the documents below:

Our planning guide also has useful information on plans to submit.

You may also need to submit a:

How to apply

Before you apply for planning permission for a listed building or new development we encourage you to get pre-application advice.

You can get general householder development guidance [PDF, size unavailable] and also view our local requirements and householder application checklist before completing an application via the Planning Portal. You will need to complete the online form, upload supporting documents and pay the correct fee.

When applying online you will get an immediate confirmation on screen, step-by-step help and online advice, and an online record of all your applications.

After you have applied

Once you have applied for permission your application will go through the planning process.