How do I make a request to discharge a condition?

You can make a request to discharge planning conditions using the form ‘Approval of details reserved by condition’ form. You must include the appropriate fee with your application.

What happens if I do not provide the fee?

A condition will not be formally discharged in writing without a fee however an officer may provide a verbal decision. The verbal decision will be recorded on the planning file for future reference.

Are there any exceptions to the charges?

There are exceptions to charges for requests relating to:

  • listed building consent
  • advertisement consents
  • tree preservation orders

If I have more than one condition to discharge, will I have to pay a fee for each condition?

No, a fee is charged for each request. Therefore if you apply to discharge all the conditions at once, you will only be charged one fee. However, if you send in details for each condition separately, these will be counted as separate “requests” and you will have to pay further fees.

What happens if I do not discharge my conditions?

Commencement of development, before the discharge of relevant conditions may lead to formal enforcement action by the council which could affect the future sales of the property.

Will I be charged again if you do not approve details submitted for the discharge of conditions and I submit revisions or further information?

No, where an exchange of information is ongoing a further fee will not be required.

Will I be charged again if I want to revise details already approved for the discharge of conditions or a refusal to discharge has been issued?

Yes, you would be charged again. There is no “free go” for these submissions.

If you have any questions please contact us.