Search for and view planning application documents

You can search for and view planning application documents by using the Public Access system. You do not need an account to view planning applications, but you will need to register to make a comment. 

Applications from November 2002 onwards should have all attached documents, including decision notices, available to view and print.

How do I research the planning history of a property?

Comment on a planning application

You can comment on a planning application during the consultation period.  All comments submitted will be publicly available (except for discriminatory comments).

How do I make a comment?

You can comment online using the Public Access System. Please note that some Public Access functions may not be available between 10pm and 1am each day while system back ups are carried out.

If you do not already have an account on public access, you will need to register to be able to make a comment.

Once registered you need to:

  • search for the application you wish to comment on

  • select the comments tab

  • ensure your personal details are correct

  • enter and submit your comments.

You can also make comments on applications in writing. Please make sure you:

  • quote the planning application reference number

  • include your name, address and contact number

  • make it clear whether you are supporting or opposing the application.

Send your comments to:

Planning Services
Huntingdonshire District Council
Pathfinder House
St Mary's Street
PE29 3TN

or by email to

Please note if you want an acknowledgement that your comments have been received, you need to write this in your letter or email.

How we deal with your comments

We look at all comments received, but can only take account of matters known as 'material planning considerations' when making a decision.

However, issues such as loss of view, or negative effect on the value of properties are not material considerations.

We will also not consider:

  • offensive statements that have a negative impact on a person's reputation personally or within their trade, profession or business

  • comments that discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability

  • anonymous comments.

By submitting comments you are giving permission to your name and address being placed in the public domain. If you have an overriding legal reason why your address should remain confidential, please contact the planning office for advice in good time before submitting your comments by the relevant deadline.

Development Management Committee

If the application you make a comment on goes to the Development Management Committee (DMC) you will be informed in writing and may attend the meeting and speak. Your Right to Speak at the Development Management Committee [PDF, size unavailable].

Details of the DMC can be viewed on ModernGov . The DMC agenda, minutes and officer reports for the applications are available at least five working days before the relevant meeting.

Track a planning application

You can track a particular planning application using the Public Access System, but you will need to have registered first.

How do I research the planning history of a property?

The modern planning system was established in 1948. From this date planning permission has been required from the Local Planning Authority for any development of land.

  • Applications pre-1948 - there are no planning records before this date. Everything built before this date is treated as an existing/original building for the purposes of planning.

  • Applications between 1948 and 1975 - planning histories for this period can only be viewed on plotting sheets at our Huntingdon office. These sheets are currently archived so if you wish to view them you will need to contact the Customer Service Centre on 01480 388424 to arrange an appointment. All planning application documents for this period are on microfiche and can only be viewed in our Huntingdon office.

  • Applications between 1975 and 2002 - full planning history details from 1975 to 2002 are available on our Public Access website, but this does not include documents. All planning application documents for this period are on microfiche and can only be viewed in our Huntingdon office. Please contact the Customer Service Centre on 01480 388424 to arrange an appointment to view them.

  • Applications from 2002 onwards - to access these you will need to use the property search option on the Public Access website.

We can do the search for you. For further details of the costs and how to start the process view the Planning Charges page.