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 Charge Item

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S106 research  –  per hour

£67 + VAT

Planning research - per hour

£67 + VAT

When the charges have been agreed with Huntingdonshire District Council an invoice will be raised which includes payment details.

Contact the Implementation team at for confirmation of S106 agreements.

Contact the planning department on for planning research requests.

Copies of S106 documents

We can provide copies of registration documents of items on the Local Land Charges Register, such as:

  • Section 106 agreements
  • Section 52 agreements
  • Section 33 agreements

We charge an administration fee of £10 per document.

You can find out more about by visiting our Land Charges page

S106 – Confirmation of obligations

We will only be able to confirm details on the obligations dealt with by this council.  Those dealt with by other councils/agencies such as Cambridgeshire County Council should be addressed directly to them.

Requests will require planning application number/s that the agreement/s refers to and the date of the agreement/s.

Once the payment has been received the research could take up to three weeks

Please contact the Implementation team at for details.