The Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document (2022) [PDF, 23.5MB] was adopted on 17 March 2022. Upon adoption, it replaced the Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment SPD (2007).

The revised SPD will support the delivery of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 by:

  1. guiding the preparation and consideration of planning applications to enhance the quality of new development within Huntingdonshire and

  2. providing a methodology for neighbourhood planning groups to produce their own landscape and townscape assessments to support policies within neighbourhood plans.

The revised SPD is accompanied by an interactive map and user guide [PDF, size unavailable].

Due to the length of the SPD, individual chapters are available to download. Please be aware that you will need chapters 1 and 2 to properly interpret the individual settlement chapters:

Adoption Statement

Other reference material