A drain is a pipe that drains waste water from one property and a sewer drains the waste of more than one property.

Who is responsible for drains and sewers?

In general, homeowners and occupiers are responsible for pipes within their property boundary that take used water away from their home only. These are known as private sewers.

Anglian Water is responsible for:

  • all public sewers and

  • private sewers that connect to a public sewer.

You can check who is responsible for drains and sewers on or near your property on Anglian Water’s website. Any problems, such as blocked drains and sewers, should be reported directly to Anglian Water on 03457 145 145.

Cambridgeshire County Council usually deals with blocked highway drains and road gullies causing surface water flooding.

What can you do?

Establishing who is responsible for drains and sewers can be complicated. Our Environmental Health team can:

  • help you find out who is responsible for a problem on or near your property

  • offer advice on drainage problems

  • investigate recurring drainage problems if they have an effect on public health

  • take action to resolve drainage problems that are not the responsibility of Anglian Water.

Contact the Environmental Health Team