Corporate Plan

Our Corporate Plan provides a clear direction for what we are doing and why we are doing it. It sets out what we aim to achieve in addition to the provision of core statutory services and also provides the framework for evaluating the council's performance. The Corporate Plan is reviewed annually to ensure that the key activities and measures are still relevant and that we are continuing to achieve the targets we set ourselves.

View our Corporate Plan [PDF, size unavailable]


Progress against key activities, budgets and performance measures is reviewed on a quarterly basis by our Overview and Scrutiny Panels and the cabinet.

Latest Integrated Corporate Performance Monitoring reports

Annual reports

We also publish an annual report detailing what we have achieved over the last year and our priority work areas for the coming year.

Huntingdonshire District Council - Corporate Peer Challenge

The Council took part in a Corporate Peer Challenge in June 2016 involving senior and experienced officer and councillors from across the local government sector. Their findings are summarised in a feedback report [PDF, 0.6MB].

We are in the process of implementing an action plan developed to address the peer challenge team's recommendations.