Developer contributions may be required to pay for, or contribute towards, the cost of additional infrastructure and services needed as a result of new development.

The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2011 [PDF, size unavailable] details our policy for securing developer contributions from new developments that require planning permission. It also:

  • explains the relationship between developer contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy and
  • provides guidance on the types of contribution that will be sought and the basis for charges.

The Developer Contributions Updated Costs document [PDF, size unavailable] sets out the updated costs for outdoor sports facilities and landscape maintenance rates.

All residential developments for new dwellings are also required to complete the Unilateral Undertaking for Wheeled Bin Contributions Template [PDF, size unavailable] and submit this once the application has been accepted and a reference number allocated.

View the Unilateral Undertaking Privacy Notice.

Application to Modify or Discharge a Planning Obligation [DOCX, size unavailable]