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Buckden Parish Council has submitted the Buckden Neighbourhood Plan to Huntingdonshire District Council for its statutory Regulation 16 consultation. The plan is available for comment from 21 July 2020 to 5pm on 1 September 2020. Comments can be made using our consultation portal.

The Examiner’s report [PDF, 0.3MB] on Bury Village Neighbourhood Plan was issued on 19 December 2019 and recommended that the Plan proceed to referendum with modifications; this was agreed at the council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Growth) on 8 January 2020 and Cabinet on 23 January 2020. A Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan was scheduled for the 26 March 2020, but has been postponed until further notice. Please see the Upcoming Elections page for further information.

What is neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act 2011. It allows local communities to develop a shared plan for their local area to shape the development and growth of their own neighbourhood by preparing a neighbourhood plan. Once approved, neighbourhood plans are used to help make decisions on planning applications in the area.

We have put together a Neighbourhood and Community Planning Guide [PDF, 0.5MB], aimed at town and parish councils, which sets out:

  • the range of community planning tools available 

  • the council’s support for town or parish councils wishing to prepare a neighbourhood plan and

  • signposts to the wide range of advice and guidance currently available.

Neighbourhood Planning in Huntingdonshire [PDF, 0.2MB] summarises the current position for the town and parish councils that are working on neighbourhood plans.

The following guides also provide useful information on the neighbourhood planning process:

Cambridgeshire Insight has a wide range of evidence tools that can help with the production of neighbourhood plans.

Neighbourhood planning in Huntingdonshire


Alwalton Parish Council's application for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved [PDF, size unavailable] on 30 January 2017.


Brampton Parish Council’s application [PDF, size unavailable]for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 5 March 2014, following consultation.


Buckden Parish Council's application [PDF, 0.5MB] for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 5 September 2018.

Regulation 14 consultation for the Buckden Neighbourhood Plan started on 29 November 2019 and concluded on 10 January 2020. 

Buckden Parish Council has submitted the Buckden Neighbourhood Plan to Huntingdonshire District Council for its statutory Regulation 16 consultation. The plan is available for comment from 21 July 2020 to 5pm on 1 September 2020. Comments can be made using our consultation portal.


Bury Parish Council's application [PDF, size unavailable] for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 7 October 2015, following consultation. Consultation on the Bury draft Neighbourhood Plan ran from 6 June 2019 to 18 July 2019.

Consultation on Bury Parish Council’s submission version of their Neighbourhood Plan closed on 31 October 2019. Comments can be viewed using the online consultation portal. The Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination on 5 November 2019.

On 14 November 2019 the Examiner wrote to Bury Parish Council and Huntingdonshire District Council with a number of preliminary questions. A copy of this letter and the Parish and District Council's responses are attached below:

The Examiner’s report [PDF, 0.3MB] on Bury Village Neighbourhood Plan was issued on 19 December 2019 and recommended that the Plan proceed to referendum with modifications; this was agreed at the Councils Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Growth) on 8 January 2020 and Cabinet on 23 January 2020. A Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan will be held on 26 March 2020.

View Bury Village Neighbourhood Plan – 26 March 2020.


Elton Parish Council's application [PDF, 0.8MB] for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 12 April 2018.

Grafham and Ellington

Grafham and Ellington’s application [PDF, 2.5MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood area was open to public consultation between Monday 8 July to Friday 23 August 2019. Comments can be viewed on the online consultation portal. The Grafham and Ellington parishes were approved for designation as a neighbourhood area on 3 September 2019.


Godmanchester Town Council’s application [PDF, size unavailable]for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 11 March 2015, following consultation.

Godmanchester Parish Council prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan for comment from November 2016 to January 2017. The Parish Council then amended and finalised their Neighbourhood Plan for formal submission consultation from 8 May to 19 June 2017. Independent examination of Godmanchester's submission neighbourhood plan took place between 3 July and 30 August 2017.

The examiner concluded that the neighbourhood plan could proceed to referendum, subject to modifications. The Town and District Councils have agreed the modifications to the plan. At its meeting on 12 October 2017, Huntingdonshire District Council's cabinet approved the modified plan to proceed to referendum.

The Godmanchester Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' at a meeting of full council on 13 December 2017. The Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the Adopted Development Plan.

Great Gransden

Great Gransden Parish Council's application [PDF, 1.5MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 30 July 2018. 

Hemingford Grey

Hemingford Grey Parish Council's application [PDF, 0.3MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 21 September 2018.

Houghton and Wyton

Houghton and Wyton Parish Council’s application [PDF, size unavailable]for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 19 December 2012, following consultation.

Houghton and Wyton Parish Council prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan for comment from November 2014 to January 2015. The Parish Council then amended and finalised their Neighbourhood Plan for formal submission consultation from 19 June to 31 July 2015. Independent examination by a chartered town planner started on 14 September 2015. The examiner's report [PDF, size unavailable] was received on 14 December 2015.

Following consultation on alternative modifications for the Houghton and Wyton Neighbourhood Plan to those proposed by the examiner, the examination was reopened on 7 September 2017 with a new examiner. 

The examiner has asked that the following documents are made available:

The examiner's final report [PDF, 2.5MB] was received on 20 November 2017 (corrected version issued 6 December 2017). The recommendation was that the plan with modifications can proceed to referendum.

The Parish and District Councils have agreed the modifications to the plan. At its meeting on 18 January 2018, Huntingdonshire District Council's cabinet approved the modified plan to proceed to referendum.'

The Houghton and Wyton Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 7MB] was 'made' at a meeting of full council on 26th March 2018. The Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the Adopted Development Plan.


Huntingdon Town Council's application [PDF, size unavailable] for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 23 April 2015 following consultation.

Huntingdon Town Council produced a Submission Version of their Neighbourhood Plan which was available for comment between 11 February 2019 to 5pm on 25 March 2019. Comments can be viewed on the online consultation portal.

The Examiner's Report  [PDF, size unavailable]on the Huntingdon Neighbourhood Plan was received on 9 May 2019. The recommendation was that the plan should proceed to referendum with modifications this was endorsed by Cabinet on 18 July 2019. Referendum on the plan was held on Thursday 19 September, a majority 'yes' vote of 87% was achieved.

The Huntingdon Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 7MB] was approved at Full Council on 9 October 2019. The Neighbourhood Plan is now 'made' and forms part of the Adopted Development Plan.

Old Weston

Old Weston Parish Council's application [PDF, 1.5MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 09 July 2018.


Sawtry Parish Council's application [PDF, 0.2MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 23 October 2019.

St Ives

St Ives Council's application [PDF, 2MB] for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 4 March 2019.

St Neots

St Neots Town Council's application [PDF, size unavailable]for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area relating to whole of the parish was approved on 17 October 2013, following consultation.

St Neots Town Council then prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan and submitted it to Huntingdonshire District Council. The plan was consulted on, between 29 July and 9 September 2014, then independently examined by a chartered town planner from 12 January 2015. The examiner's report [PDF, size unavailable] was received on 3 March 2015.

Visit the St Neots Town Council website for more information on the Neighbourhood Plan.

A referendum relating to the adoption of the St Neots Neighbourhood Plan was held on 4 February 2016. The majority of those who voted answered yes to the question, "Do you want Huntingdonshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for St Neots to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?".

The St Neots Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' at a meeting of full Council, on 24 February 2016. The Neighbourhood Plan is now part of the Adopted Development Plan.

The Stukeleys

The Stukeleys Parish Council's application [PDF, size unavailable] for the designation of a neighbourhood area relating to the whole of the parish was approved on 3 June 2016, following consultation.