The former Huntingdonshire Development Plan consisted of the following documents:

  • saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan adopted in 1995
  • saved policies from the Local Plan Alteration adopted in 2002
  • Core Strategy adopted in 2009
  • Huntingdon West Area Action Plan adopted in 2011

These are now all superseded following the adoption of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036. However, they can still be viewed below.

Former Local Plan

The Huntingdonshire Local Plan was adopted in 1995 and updated in 2002 with the adoption of the Local Plan Alteration.

The Alteration contains policies regarding settlement strategy and housing, which replaced some of those in the Local Plan 1995.

'Saved' Local Plan policies

The Secretary of State issued a Direction on Saved Policies [PDF, size unavailable]in September 2007 setting out which parts of the Local Plan 1995 and Local Plan Alteration 2002 would be saved:

Some saved policies of the Local Plan 1995 and Alteration 2002 were replaced by the Core Strategy 2009.

Core Strategy 

The Core Strategy was adopted by the Council in 2009. The Core Strategy set out the strategic spatial planning framework for development in Huntingdonshire to 2026.

The aim of the Core Strategy was to help Huntingdonshire's economy move forward, remain competitive and be attractive to investors.

It contained policies to manage growth and guide new development in the district and also addresses issues of wider concern, such as climate change and reducing our carbon footprint.

View the Core Strategy. [PDF, size unavailable]

Huntingdon West Area Action Plan

The Huntingdon West Area Action Plan (HWAAP) was adopted by the Council in February 2011.

The area has been undergoing significant change, offering opportunities for environmental improvements and new development. Mixed use developments are providing homes, business and leisure linked by improved pedestrian, cycle and public transport routes.

View the Huntingdon West Area Action Plan. [PDF, size unavailable]